

Passport to Adventure


Your ski pass may take you to Japan to discover the deepest powder in Asia.


Coming Soon

Lucy, my wife, posing for a picture in Hoi An, Vietnam. For a few bucks, vendors will let you walk a moment in their shoes.


Coming Soon


If you are here in 2024, congratulations, you’re in on the ground floor! Though parts of this site are still very much under construction, please know that I am working diligently every day to fill this site with amazing content. I assure you, big things are on the horizon for 2024!

In the meantime, please feel free to visit my contact page. You can send me questions, feedback or good vibes. You can also subscribe and I will be sure to provide updates as the site develops.

Border Collie Life in South Korea

John Buckley

Welcome to Colorado Saram!

I grew up in the famous ski resort town of Vail, but now live in Daegu, South Korea, with my wife Lucy and dog, Winnie.

I continue to live and value the Colorado lifestyle, but do so while following my passion for international travel in Asia and beyond.

I write about international skiing, hiking, outdoor adventure, dog-friendly travel, travel gear, and more.

I hope you'll find this content helpful and entertaining.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions, or click subscribe to get periodic updates as a Colorado Saram!